I love this. And I relate- when I was in LA we were all told by the mayor that we’d have our utilities shut off if we were caught having anyone in our homes that didn’t live there - then the apartments I lived at doubled down and said we’d be evicted.

I won’t get into the stories of how violent and tragic things got as a result of insanity from collective isolation plus riots plus letting murderers and rapists out of prison - but I got tf outta there — then dealt with a new breed of psychosis on briefly returning to my home in Oregon. Where I was then basically disowned by my entire community that I had known my entire life for not taking the poison injection, and for being outspoken about it. I had people who had known me almost my whole life, wishing death and other things on me and it was fucking wild so needless to say I have not lived in a blue state for a few years.

Booked it to Tennessee , did what I needed to do there and now I’m in Florida and love it. Loved Tennessee as well. Also had a cow friend that would provide me the most delicious raw milk, cream and cheese. Still have her picture ❤️❤️

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My neighbors were always crazy. They got even crazier after the Orange Man was elected in 2016. And then, like someone flipped a switch, they went tyrannically crazy in 2020. Their behavior sent chills up my spine sometimes because I could see how quickly society could unravel. And I felt like I got a tiny glimpse into some of the greatest horrors in history. Some of my neighbors would have gladly rounded people up and sent them off to camps and they would have been proud of themselves. I'm so glad I am not around them, but I worry that people may not understand how easily things could change - even in freer areas of the US.

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I agree -- I think the thing that fucked me and likely most of us up the most was watching how OVERNIGHT our own families and communities turned on us viciously because the TV told them to, the hashtags told them to, the whateverthefuck coming out of their device told them to. I never would have imagined something like that could happen here. Not without immediate revolt. The immediate compliance had me stunned for years. So I appreciate this post because it is true, we must still remain vigilant, especially since we experienced it on a more dramatic level than say someone who had been in a rural area or red state this entire time. True lord of the flies shit.

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Yessss! One day, I was chatting with a neighbor who was normally tolerable and somewhat friendly, though we disagreed on many things. Then within just a couple of weeks she's got binoculars on her face and she's counting how many people are entering her other neighbor's house. And then she is posting on social media about how she is calling the cops because too many people are in that house. The other neighbors then pat her on the back. PURE INSANITY.

I can't tell you how many fights I got into. I can't tell you because it's too many to count. They expected everyone to simply roll over and obey. Fuck that shit.

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I think a great many of us who were ostracized feel as you do. I cannot forget the rabid verbal assaults for not wearing that useless mask and then the toxin, not conforming was even worse.

I no longer speak with those individuals, I lost one long term friend who has since attempted reconciliation, no thanks.

I feel somewhat better for reading your post.

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